Christmas dinner on the beach. Yes, we took off our sandals and sat with our feet in the sand throughout the meal! The restaurant's name was La Buena Vida - the good life - for sure!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas Day 2008
Christmas dinner on the beach. Yes, we took off our sandals and sat with our feet in the sand throughout the meal! The restaurant's name was La Buena Vida - the good life - for sure!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Mexico 2008
Part of the crew spent one day snorkeling at the Yal-Ku Lagoon which was less than a mile from us. The water was so beautiful and clear.
We also explored the ancient Mayan ruins at Ek Balam - here you can see some of us in mid-climb
And this lineup shot of several of my kids shows what we did most!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Back to the Real World!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mexico here we come!
I'll be offline this entire week but will be back next weekend. I hope everyone has a very blessed and merry Christmas! Enjoy this special time with your families and loved ones!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Where did the week go?

And this little snowman (about 4 1/2" high) came from another online friend, Joan. I love the simplicity of this ornament. Thanks girls!
Last night was our little Christmas get-together for Cre8Joy, the gals I teach with. Tracy (owner/designer/teacher), Jaclyn (designer/teacher), Lynn (all-around helper to all) and I gathered for a girls' dinner out. It was such fun to just sit back and relax and chat, rather than our usual rush-around-and-prepare-for-class routine. We also exchanged small gifts and I was so thrilled to get this beautiful canvas from Jaclyn, the huge scissors hanging from Lynn and a sheer album, new Ice Stickles and a very nice bonus check from Tracy packed in this darling felt bag (notice JOY on it!).
Monday, December 15, 2008
Girlfriend Goodies
And this was the card - simple, elegant and beautiful! Thanks Jean!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Playing catch up
Friday, December 12, 2008
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
I am so disappointed that this swap is now finished. It has been such fun to anticipate each day and opening wonderful art from very talented women, most of whom I have never met! But, I won't be idle long, as several of us will continue this idea after the holidays with a "14 Days of Valentines" Swap. Can't wait to see one of my favorite symbols - the heart - interpreted by different artists!
Day 11 (yesterday)
This is the sweet box Jean made from printed paper. I love the non-traditional holiday colors.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
On the tenth day of Christmas,
Here are all twelve prior to mailing.And this is how I wrapped them. I saw something similar made by Jenny Doh of Stampington and, of course, I loved the idea of recycling toilet paper cardboard tubes. This was also the perfect size for the ornaments and provided an extra layer of protection in mailing. I painted the cardboard with white gesso, painted on the polka dots with red paint and a new pencil eraser, stapled the ends closed and tied with red-and-white baker's twine. The little tags were stamped with a $1 stamp from JoAnn's. Simple!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
On the ninth day of Christmas

And look at the "cool" package she sent it in. She ironed freezer paper to a snowman napkin to make the "paper." And, have you ever seen a blue candy cane? I like the hanging snowflake and number too. It has been really fun to see how each participant in this swap managed to add the number to their packages - so many creative ideas!

Day 8
On another note, I received a comment here on my blog last week from Lorri Lennox from Western Australia (wow, people from all over are actually reading this!) and she gave me this award. I'm not sure what it says exactly, but I'm thinking it's something like "good job."
Be sure to click on her link to visit her blog and read some great posts. I am also going to pass this award on to a few blogs that always inspire me:
Bety at whose cards are awesome
Roni at who posts inumerable tutorials and great techiques
and Kari at whose blog is pure eye candy!