Patty Van Dorin of Tuscan Rose posted a challenge recently on her blog
(http://ramblingrose.typepad.com/journal). She had cleaned off her work space and glued lots of scraps to a piece of cardstock. She challenged everyone to download the picture, create something and post back to her. Here is the original "scrap page" and what I came up with. This was a wonderful challenge to just play and not worry about the outcome. I usually spend lots of time mulling over plans of action rather than just letting the creative process develop. I spent less than an hour just adding paint and ink, stamping, doodling etc. If something didn't look right, I just did it over. I really enjoyed this challenge and intend to do more of this type work.

Thanks Patty for getting me out of the box. You can check out other's samples on her blog.
Very nice Susan .... love your playing and what a great way to experiment ..... Linda
Thanks for all your comments, Linda. I'm having fun.
Wonderful art! I love them!
Your blog is great. It has different types of art than I'm used to seeing and I LOVE it.This picture is lovely.
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