"Art is my vehicle through life; may we share the ride together." Ron Wickersham

Friday, February 21, 2020

I'm Back!

I know it's been awhile - I've literally been out of town (except for two days) since Jan. 31 and returned home late last night. Babysitting the grand boys is fun but I'm now ready to have some "me" time and get back to crafting.

Before I left, I started making a "scrap roll." I saw a few examples of people making these on You Tube and realized it was a great way to use up scraps (never-ending!) and old book pages and end up with a large amount of collage material!

I started with several old book pages. I tore many scraps and collaged them randomly onto one book page. When that was almost filled, I placed another book page next to it and continued collaging, making sure to overlap the "seam" where the pages met.  This goes very quickly and I ended up with a continuous strip a little over 4 feet long and 8 1/4" high (the height of my book pages).

Obviously I could not photograph the entire strip at once, so here are the three sections from right to  left.

This will be great for cutting up into tags, journal cards, junk journal pages, etc. There is no limit to the papers you use. I added scrapbook paper, music paper, book pages, dictionary pages, tissue paper, security envelopes, and magazine page scraps. It's such an easy, relaxing process. I can see doing many more of these in my future!

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