"Art is my vehicle through life; may we share the ride together." Ron Wickersham

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Coiled Fabric Bowl

What to do with scrap fabric strips? Make a bowl/basket of course!

I found instructions online and decided to try to make one. The directions called for 5mm cotton rope and, luckily, I found some in our garage. I'm not sure if it was 5mm but it was about 1/4" and worked fine.  The main thing is it needs to be soft enough to stitch through a sewing machine. Then I tore scrap fabrics into strips, approximately 3/4" to 1" wide but I didn't measure anything and they were all random widths.

You need a sewing machine for this - I used a regular needle, regular thread and a medium size zigzag stitch.  Basically you wrap the fabric strips around the rope to cover it and form into a small coil to start. Zigzag stitch over where the coils meet, continuing in a circle until the "base" is the size you desire. Then you start lifting the "bowl" as you stitch to form the sides.

This is an easy project. I was happy to have all the supplies I needed without having to shop! If you miss stitching any areas you can just go back in and stitch them. I didn't even backstitch until the very end!  

My bowl ended up being about 7" diameter and 3" high. But it could be any size depending on the length of the rope and how much fabric you have. This can even be adapted to make round coasters. I will probably use this for paper scraps on my art table when I'm fussy-cutting.

1 comment:

Carla said...

What a neat idea. I have plenty of scraps. I may have to try this bowl out soon.
Thanks for sharing.