"Art is my vehicle through life; may we share the ride together." Ron Wickersham

Friday, July 10, 2020

Life happens...

It's been a crazy few weeks. The weekend before the fourth, my husband was in the hospital for three days due to his ongoing atrial fibrillation. He was then scheduled for an ablation on July 2. Long story short, it was his 7th ablation and the doctor said going in that if they could not ablate the flutters, they would do a pacemaker. After 10 1/2 hours, they did end up installing the pacemaker and then he developed some complications. He stayed in the hospital for 5 days alone as I was not allowed in due to Covid. He is now home and I'm nursing him to recovery. Needless to say, I have not been in the art room much through this!

I will post more art soon.


Linda Manning Findley said...

Susan I am so sorry that happened but so glad he is home and hope all will be great now ... take care of yourself so you can take care of him ... hugs and positive energy coming your way ...

Carla said...

So sorry to read about your husband. Once I catch up on my blog reading I hope to read he's doing well now. I know about not being with your loved one during a surgery. My husband had a simple surgery but I just dropped him off for 5 hours. Uggh. Not fair.