"Art is my vehicle through life; may we share the ride together." Ron Wickersham

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Collage Challenge - Weeks 13 & 14

Happy April Fool's Day! Surprise, I'm posting after several day's absence.

 I can't believe it's already been 14 weeks into 2021! Time really does fly! Here are two more Margarete Miller weekly collage challenges.

Week 13

1) a photo (photo taken in Santa Fe years ago)
2) a geometric shape (triangle stamps, rectangle ticket, oval on label)
3) something you see through a window (flower)
4) lines (lines on label and guest check to left of ticket)
5) ticket stub of any kind (ticket)
Bonus:  typewriter text (typed letter, upper left side of page)

Week 14

1) buttons, real, drawn or stamped (button images cut from papers)
2) something royal (Queen Elizabeth postage stamp, Crown Royal whiskey, 
Swedish Royal Guard, 1856 portrait of Princess Royal Victoria)
3) a poem (American poet, Wallace Stevens)
4) a schematic (schematic of car switches)
5) two of something (two postage stamps)
Bonus: something purple (background paper, large postage stamp, ticket)

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