"Art is my vehicle through life; may we share the ride together." Ron Wickersham

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Collage Challenge - Weeks 3 and 4


I have caught up with the weekly collage challenges. I can't believe we're almost 4 weeks into the new year!

Week 3

1) barcode (I used a barcode from a piece of scrapbook paper.)
2) photo or portion of a photo (This photo was taken by my kids when they were in Vietnam and I had an extra one after scrapping their trip.)
3) a thing (lots of things in the photo above - fruit, hats, bicycles etc)
4) clothing tag (I didn't use this - it's been a long time since I've bought new clothes!)
5) text in a different alphabet (pieces of Chinese newspaper)
Bonus: handwriting (the writing on the right side of the page is what was printed on the page itself)

I also added a scrap of origami paper and a printed Chinese paper - Zodiac sign maybe?).

Week 4

1) numbers (stamped)
2) graph paper or lined paper (graph paper in background)
3) art scrap (Used a piece of gelli plate print in upper left as well as cut out stars from another print)
4) book page or portion (on right side as well as two illustrations from an old dictionary)
5) old sticky note (turquoise and "Keep it Simple" pieces in lower left of page)
Bonus: instruction (upper right corner - instruction for setting up a room air conditioner)

I'm not thrilled with this page but every one can't be a work of art, right?  At least I finished it.

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